What Can I Do if My Partner Doesn’t Support My Pregnancy?

Discovering an unexpected pregnancy is stressful enough, but when you find your partner is unsupportive, it’s even more difficult. Give your partner time to absorb the news and find others who will support you. The team at PCS Health is here for you, and we have a few suggestions to help you. Have You Confirmed

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What Can I Do if I’m Afraid of Giving Birth?

It’s understandable to be nervous about childbirth, especially if this is your first baby. Getting more information about what to expect can help calm your nerves. We’ve put together some suggestions and resources to help you conquer that fear. Why is Childbirth So Scary? It’s the fear of not knowing what to expect when you

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3 Reasons You Need an Ultrasound Before Abortion

Shouldn’t a late period and a positive pregnancy test be enough to confirm a pregnancy? You would think it would be, but experts estimate over one in four pregnancies ends in a miscarriage. Ultrasound is the only way to determine if your pregnancy is growing or if you have miscarried. Learn about the three reasons

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What Is an Ectopic Pregnancy?

An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that implants outside of the uterus, typically in a fallopian tube. Because only the uterus can safely support a growing pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous and life-threatening condition. How Does an Ectopic Pregnancy Happen? The majority of ectopic pregnancies are “tubal pregnancies,” meaning the fertilized egg has implanted

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How Does an Ultrasound Work?

If you wonder what an ultrasound is or why you need one, we can help. We want you to have as much information about your pregnancy as possible for your health and safety. That’s why we offer free limited ultrasounds. An ultrasound scan uses high-intensity sound waves to create an image of the inside of

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Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

Although PCS Health does not provide or refer for abortion, we do want to offer factual information about the various procedures, side effects, and potential physical and emotional risks. Your health matters to us. Having an abortion is a big, life-changing decision and deserves to be understood completely. We believe by preparing yourself beforehand, you

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How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Usually, a late or missed period is the first sign women experience when they’re pregnant, but you can also skip a period for other reasons. The place to start is with a pregnancy test. Purchase a urine pregnancy test over the counter or get a blood test from your healthcare provider. Both are identifying a

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When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?

If you are wondering if you are pregnant, the first sign is often a missed period. Taking a pregnancy test is your next step, but experts recommend waiting until after your period is late. The longer you wait, the more accurate your results will be. Why Should I Wait? When you become pregnant, your body

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Are STIs/STDs Contagious?

No one wants to think about, much less admit, having a sexually transmitted infection or disease. You just can’t imagine it happening to you. But every year, there are millions of new cases, and each one is highly contagious. If you are sexually active, it’s vital you get tested regularly for STIs/STDs. What is an

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Will I Pass My STI/STD to My Child?

No one wants to consider they may have a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or infection (STI). But if you have an STI/STD, passing it to your baby in the womb or when giving birth is possible. Getting tested regularly is essential whether you are pregnant or not. Talk with the medical professionals at PCS Health

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*PCS Health does not perform or refer for abortions.