You have lots of choices with adoption. Will it be open, semi-open, or closed? Will it be private or will you use an agency?

Today there are adoption plans in which you can know your child and be a part of your child’s life. You can have the peace of knowing your child is loved and cared for by the couple you choose. We can help you better understand adoption.

Types of Adoption

Choose an adoption plan that works best for you. There are three options to choose from, giving you the chance to decide what kind of relationship you want with your child, if any.

1. Open Adoption

Open adoption is the most common type of adoption, where you have open communication with the adoptive family and exchange names, addresses, and phone numbers.

Both parties work together to make visits with one another and your child. It’s up to both parties to build the type of relationship they would like.

2. Closed Adoption 

With a closed adoption, the adoptive family and birth mom remain anonymous. The child’s birth certificate and identifying information are sealed after everything is finalized with the adoption.

Some women who choose this adoption plan feel they receive some sort of closure. If you are concerned for your child’s safety, this may be your best option.

3. Semi-open Adoption

With a semi-open adoption plan, you have a mix of open and closed adoption. There is communication between you and your child and the adoptive family, but only through the adoption agency or specialist, you’ve chosen.

Pregnancy Counseling

We want you to be informed on all of your pregnancy options. It’s important that you receive accurate information in a safe environment. We are here to answer your questions and direct you to the appropriate resources. All of our services and support are free and confidential.

We offer community assistance referrals! We work with other local organizations to provide you with the community and financial resources that can guide you into a stable future. 

Schedule a free appointment with us today to talk through this adoption option.

*PCS Health does not perform or refer for abortions.