Choosing to have an abortion is a life-changing decision. It can affect you mentally and physically for years, regardless of your reasons. Many women don’t want to repeat the procedure and wonder if they have other options.

Take a closer look at making an adoption plan or choosing to parent. We want to provide you with as much information as you need to help you make an informed decision.

What About Placing Your Child For Adoption?

Sometimes, it is in your child’s best interests to make the difficult decision to place them for adoption. The process of creating an adoption plan is very different today than it was a few decades ago. Now, you can have complete control of the process.

Adoption, like abortion, involves loss and a measure of grief. However, unlike abortion, you still have the opportunity to build a relationship with your child with adoption.

Your first step is finding an adoption agency or specialist who provides compassionate and comprehensive adoption counseling. To have peace with this decision, you must fully understand the adoption process and not feel coerced.

You Choose the Couple Who Raises Your Child

Not only do you choose the potential adoptive family, but you also select the future you hope your child will have. Many approved couples are waiting to adopt, and you can choose the one that’s right for you.

You Choose the Amount of Contact You Hope to Have

There are three types of adoption plans: open, semi-open, and closed. As the expectant or birth mother, you choose the right plan for you. The plan you select determines the amount of contact you have with your adopted child and their family.

Certain Pregnancy-Related Expenses Are Covered

No reputable adoption agency charges the birth parents for their services. However, it is possible to have some pregnancy-related expenses paid for. For instance, you could receive payment for the following:

  • All maternity-related medical and hospital costs.
  • All attorney and legal fees.
  • Counseling fees
  • Temporary living expenses during pregnancy

Have You Considered Parenting?

Like your other options, parenting is a life-altering decision. It is challenging but also extremely rewarding. You may question whether you’re capable financially and emotionally of parenting. We can discuss your situation and needs to help you decide if this is the right choice.

The team at PCS Health provides assistance for those women who choose to parent. Here are some of the services we offer:

  • Material Assistance, such as diapers and baby clothes.
  • Community Assistance Referrals provide community and financial resources to help you build a stable future.
  • Parenting Classes provide education in prenatal care, childbirth, and newborn parenting.

Let’s Discuss Your Needs

It’s essential to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Will my parents or partner support me if I parent?
  • How can I continue my education or my job if I parent?
  • What resources do I need?
  • Where will I live?
  • Is childcare available?

These and other questions help us determine if parenting is possible for you. We can decide who to contact to assist you if you have a need.

Successful parenting is possible with determination and a lot of love. We can help you.

Isn’t It Nice to Know You Have Options?

You can conveniently fill out our online contact form, call us at (530) 626-6720, or text us at (530) 363-8110 to schedule a confidential, no-cost appointment with a PCS Health Services team member. We are here for you.

*PCS Health does not perform or refer for abortions.