Is your period late? Are you feeling nauseous and tired and visiting the bathroom more? These are all early pregnancy symptoms, and they can be hard to deal with. The early months of pregnancy can be challenging, especially when you didn’t plan on being pregnant. Let’s talk about your options.

Do I Have Options?

When you become pregnant, you have three options: have an abortion, make an adoption plan, or parent. Each choice is life-changing, so learn as much as possible about each one.

Have an Abortion

The only option that ultimately ends your pregnancy is abortion. Having an abortion has the potential for physical and emotional consequences. You must be fully aware of the risks and your physical and mental health.

We offer factual, medically based information on both types of abortion: medical and surgical. There are limitations as to which type of abortion you qualify for, such as how far along you are in your pregnancy.

If you are considering an abortion, contact us to learn about procedures, side effects, and possible risks. Although we do not perform or refer for abortion, we can give you a thorough explanation.

Making an Adoption Plan

The two other options you have require you to carry your pregnancy to term. Working with a reputable, licensed adoption coordinator is the only way to make an adoption plan. This ensures you receive the counseling you need before, during, and after.

Adoption is not a one-day choice. It’s a lifetime decision that can have emotional ramifications if you do not understand the process fully. If you are unable to care for your child, adoption is an excellent option to be able to continue a relationship with them.

As the expectant mother, you select the adoptive parents and the future you hope your child will have. You also decide how much communication you wish to have with them.

Although we are not an adoption agency, we can refer you to some adoption coordinators in our area if you are interested. All adoption services are offered free of charge.


Your other option for your pregnancy is to parent your child. Although this may seem physically and emotionally impossible, you may be surprised at the many resources available.

Parenting is challenging and exciting, and it requires a tremendous amount of dedication and love. If you would like to consider parenting, we can discuss your situation and help you get the assistance you need.

We offer free education and material resources. We also work with other local organizations to provide you with the community and financial resources you need. Yes, parenting is a big decision, but unplanned doesn’t mean it is impossible.

Schedule Your Free Appointment

As you consider your next steps, we invite you to set up a free appointment at PCS Health to learn about all your options. Fill out our confidential online Contact Form to schedule your free appointment, call (530) 626-6720, or text (530) 363-8110.

We’re here to answer your questions and guide you in your next steps. We look forward to hearing from you!

*PCS Health does not perform or refer for abortions.